Being a stay at home parent is a more-than-full-time job. Each day is comprised of diaper change after diaper change after meal time after nursing after boo boos and hugs.... etc. And after a long, tiring day it sounds so nice to put on pajamas and curl up in bed for a good night's sleep. But the children often have different plans for Mommy. The baby needs to nurse at 1 AM. The toddler wakes parched at 4:45 AM, asking for milk. At that point, Mommy doesn't fall back asleep and the day begins! This was my experience last night. So at 5 AM, lying in bed, I decided to start a new blog. I have always enjoyed writing, and I find it very therapeutic. Since becoming a Mom, I don't make time for it as I should. But now is the time that it is most important! Not only will the writing help keep me balanced (providing a little intellectual exercise beyond "Old MacDonald"), but I hope it will help me document so many of the meaningful and educational moments I experience on a daily basis as a parent. Due to the perpetual sleep deprivation, days have a tendency to run together. I turn around, and my children are another month older. What did they learn in that month? What did they teach me? Twenty years from now, will that month have made a difference in our lives?
I hope that through my efforts to sit down at the computer a few days a week and write about these moments, I will begin to internalize each day I spend with the beautiful neshamot I am blessed to spend each day of my life with.
*neshamot - souls