Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Little Perspective...

During the rainy Seattle winter (I actually can't complain because we have had a lot more sun than usual...), it is easy to get a little down. It is easy to feel bad about staying in with the kids all day, being far from family, having Yoni gone so much...
The past couple weeks Ze'ev has made it particularly difficult for me because he has gone on a monstrous nursing strike! (Yoni says he hopes this isn't a prediction of Ze'ev's inclination later in life... apparently he will be forbidden to join a union...).

In the past few days, I have received two levels of perspective (both care of my favorite blog -

The first level of perspective: Emuna. (Faith). Everything that happens, no matter how difficult or bad it seems, is happening because it is supposed to and for a reason.

(In the 7th comment I explained my thoughts on the concept...)

And the second level of perspective: It could always be much worse! Thank G-d, we are all healthy, thriving, with enough to eat, a roof over our heads, etc...

Prepare to cry...


I don't usually link to other blogs from mine, but this week my life coincided perfectly with everything had to say.


  1. nice:) I loved that story in JewishMOM too. Keep us updated on Ze'ev's reaction to all this.

  2. The first link didn't work, but I'm posting another link that should work:

    Very inspirational posts! Thanks!
