Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our temporary dwelling...

After many attempts at getting special religious accommodations and many discussions with his commander and chaplains, Yoni had no choice but to return home with the rest of his squadron during the first yom tov days of the holiday Sukkot (during which we observe the laws restricting driving, phone, etc.).  So the kids and I packed up and headed to base so that we could walk to meet him as he got off the airplane and be there to spend the rest of the yom tov with him.

Thank G-d, all of the intense logistics worked out pretty seamlessly.  I'm not even going to go into all of the details here, because it made my head spin for a week and I don't want to do that to all of you.  But it could not have been done without help.  Some really amazing women (other pilots' wives) from the squadron helped with the kids while I unpacked and then had to switch rooms the next day.  It was also great for my kids to spend some fun time playing with their kids and for me to have some company while we eagerly anticipated Aba's return.

In some ways, I absolutely loved this arrangement.  When Yoni returned, we had a little vacation.  We had a day to completely relax and just spend time together as a family - almost like a mini vacation - before returning home to laundry, unpacking, and cleaning.

The biggest negative about him arriving on yom tov, in my opinion, is we were not able to take pictures of the reunion.  Thankfully, one of the wives had a friend there who's a professional photographer and happened to snap one shot of Adina as we watched the airplane taxi after landing.  I had the sling on to carry Ze'ev, but apparently he was off running somewhere.

Adina was very excited (contrary to her very serious look in the picture), and I knew that she would jump into Aba's arms once she saw him.

I wasn't quite sure how Ze'ev would react.  In the past two months, he has developed intense separation anxiety, and has refused anyone but Mommy.  I was so pleasantly surprised.  Within a minute, he reached his arms out to Aba, cuddled onto his shoulder and wouldn't let go.  Yoni has fed him a lot of meals and put him to sleep the past couple days, and Ze'ev is more than happy to not have Mommy around for all of those things.  Not only is it a little reprieve for me, but it is so nice for Yoni to have this time to bond with him. :)

Now we have about a week home together... until he resumes flying his week-long missions.  But hey, if I can handle 2 1/2 months, a week will feel like nothing!


  1. aww this post made me cry... I have been feeling so happy lately to know that you guys are together again:)

  2. I feel like I just let out the communal breath we've all been holding!!! SO, so happy for the reunion!!
