Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A poetic flair on the deployment experience...

It has been four weeks now since Yoni left.  Truth be told, time has been moving at a pretty decent speed.  In these next few weeks, we have no guests, so it will be interesting to see how it feels.

Now that the emotions of his departure are not as strong as they once were, I am working through processing the whole experience.  Last night, a friend came over for a "writing night", and she suggested I write a poem about the experience of saying goodbye.  It actually helped more than I would have thought to express these feelings in poetry.  It felt like the feeling was locked inside of me for the past four weeks, and through writing it down and sharing it with others, the heaviness of the weight in my chest lifted a little bit...

Mount Rainier on the horizon,
the plane looms near.
I await your departure
and stifle a tear.

I hug our daughter 
as she absorbs the scene;
And our sweet baby boy
is naively serene.

You slowly walk by
and I brush your hand;
While my own emotions 
I try to understand.

I want to have strength
for you and the kids;
Weakness is a trait
my intellect forbids.

But as your tan flight suit
walks further from me;
The tears cloud my vision

I grab our sweet kids
and I put them in the car.
How will they function
with their Aba so far?

And what can I do
when they miss you so much?
My own underlying sadness
serves as a crutch.

We'll march on through life,
day in and day out
With an ever present reminder
what freedom's about.

We pray you stay safe
So when Hashem brings you home
My heart will feel full again
and no longer alone.

On another note, next week marks the beginning of the school year here in Seattle.  While both kids are staying home with me, I am going to provide a little more structure to our days and weeks than I have during the summer.  Adina has shown interest in starting "school activities", so we are going to block off about a half hour for "school time at home" every day.  She is starting to recognize her letters and she loves counting and doing projects with different colors.  While she works on her activities, I am going to do some basic stuff with Ze'ev too.  He finally enjoys hearing books now (for a long time he did not want to sit still long enough for me to read to him).  So we will read a few books every day and sing lots of songs with body parts and animals and all of those fun things.  I think it will be a fun activity for Adina to help in Ze'ev's activities as well!

Here's to hoping that this next month "flies" by!

Aba - Dad
Hashem - G-d


  1. Tears in my eyes, and tightness in my heart,
    As I read your beautiful expression of art.

    Thank you for sharing, Michelle! May Hashem give you koach to continue inspiring others and yourself, and to "fly" through this time as well!

  2. That was beautiful. And touching. And sad. And sweet.

    Do you find that you and Yoni appreciate each other more after an absence? How long does that added appreciation tend to last?

    Thank you for sharing with us. Love.

    1. We for sure appreciate each other more. We also seem to have a much better perspective on the important things in life after we have spent time apart.
      That's an interesting question about how long it tends to last. It lasts tangibly for about a week, but there are long-lasting effects that I don't think ever go away. It's much more intense also because of the nature of his job. Knowing that he will be leaving again soon keeps the appreciation on the surface when he's home.

  3. This is so beautiful, young friend! May you be so joyfully busy that the time flies by! Here is a tool that friends of mine produced that you may find entertaining and helpful in teaching the kids, even as young as they are (which is how Dan and Yael used it for their own kids): (It's available in CD or in downloadable MP3 format.)

  4. You're such an amazing inspiration Michelle. Your courage and strength has motivated me to finally write a letter to someone I've been needing to for sometime, but couldn't find the strength to put words on paper. Thank you for helping me find my voice again and for being such an amazing friend through such a difficult time.
